Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Do we have our 'Ducks in a Row'?

Some notes about the weekend...

Mother's Day was spent with much reflection on Motherhood.

Just to share a few thoughts about Mom...
I am thankful for my Mother and I am blessed to have her in my life. My Mother has been a strong woman. She encourages me and loves me through all of my life challenges. I know that I am in my Mother's prayers every day. This example has taught me to be prayerful over my children...daily.

My Mother is a beautiful and talented lady. She was blessed with a pretty special singing voice.
Her nickname is Song Bird.

Most of all...I have been blessed with her love.

I wasn't able to spend time with Mom or my kids or grand kids...but I made something special for Mom anyway. Poppy and I enjoyed it.

I call it my Angel Mama Cake
you can select this link for a printable recipe...

Each Mother's Day I also give thanks for the honor of being a Mother...and think back to a time that this Mama Duck...had all her 'Ducks in a row'!

I have asked myself, many times, if I provided enough for my children. Did I do the right things,  tell them that I loved them enough, set a good example, prepare them for their adult life...and many more questions. I just know that when all is said and done...we all do the best that we can and the best that we knew how to do.

One of my favorite movies is Hope Floats. There is a scene in the movie where Birdee (Sandra Bullock) is crying and telling her Mother how she was determined to be a better Mother than her Mom was and hug her daughter often (which apparently her Mom didn't do). Her Mother (Gena Rowlands), broken hearted for her daughter, tells her...'all Mother's love their daughters even if they show it poorly." I love that! Indeed...aren't we all just doing the best we can and always trying to do better? All Mother's hope they did enough!

It was easy when the kids were young...to keep track of them and their activities...keeping all of them in a row! It is hard to believe that those days are gone. I just hope that I gave them enough!
Enough to know how to keep life in order and to value each other and their families...keeping their 'Ducks in a row'! There is quite a bit of meaning in that little phrase...I like it!

Mama Aflac? She posed for me!

Poppy and I wish you a day that is blessed simply...
and simply blessed...
with all your 'Ducks in a Row'!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hail Fire! What a storm that was! More Thunder over Louisville...the real thing!

Today's postcard from Kentucky...
More Thunder over Louisville...
Since moving here in December I have seen some crazy weather! The 'severe' storms they talk about on the news...are just that! SEVERE!

It is interesting how they arrive in a fury and all of a sudden! The thunder is incredible! I have heard the expression, many times, 'sounds like God is bowling', referring to thunder. Well...it sounds like somebody IS bowling on your ROOFTOP! It is wild!

Take a look at the damage from the latest storm!

Basketball, deflated by a hail stone!
Check out the size of the hail stone!
Have you ever seen anything like it?
Me either...it wasn't that big!
This photo is quite funny...because it appears that the hail stone is almost the size of the basketball...not so. A hail stone dropped in front of the lens as I was taking a picture of the basketball...which really was deflated by the hail. Pretty neat picture!
Here is the actual size of the hail...
Hail stones...hit the deck!
I would say the hail stones were ping pong ball size!

This picture is a bit out of focus...but you can see how big the hail is in Poppy's hand!

The weather here changes so often but you can count on some of these storms weekly.
They do have a saying here..."If you don't like the weather...come back tomorrow!"

I am so intrigued with the clouds!
I have never seen clouds move so quickly. Sometimes they rush through like a freight train...sometimes bringing a tornado or a severe storm wtih them. And other times...they are massive puffs of white, peaceful, calm, still moving swiftly. They are pretty awesome!

The day after (as in...come back tomorrow)...
Clouds at Dawn
Peaceful...for now.

A bird...and clouds at dawn.

There is actually rain coming from these clouds off in the distance.

And, at the end of the day (as they say) all is well if I make something sweet for Poppy's lunch box!

Come rain or shine...there is always a treat at our house!
To be inspired by all that is around me...
I should have made snow cones but I no longer have the Snoopy Snow Cone Maker that
my kids had.
I should have made cotton candy (don't know how I would do that).
I guess we'll just settle for...

Scotcheroos....inspired by Debaroo (my Sister)

My sister loves these. The first time I had one...she made them.
Easy to make...here's the recipe:
(Recipe from Kellogg's)
Chocolate Scotcheroos
1 cup light corn syrup
1 cup sugar
1 cup peanut butter
6 cups Kellogg's Rice Krispies Cereal
1 package (6 oz., 1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate morsels
1 cup butterscotch chips
Place corn syrup and sugar into a medium saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until sugar dissolves and mixture begins to boil. Remove from heat. Stir in peanut butter. Mix well.
Add cereal and stir until well coated. Press into a 13 x 9 inch pan that has been lightly coated with cooking spray.
Melt chocolate and butterscotch morsels/chips in a small saucepan, over low heat, stirring constantly, until melted. (Note....does not work well in microwave).
Spread melted mixture evenly over the top of the cereal mixture.
Let stand until firm...cut into squares...enjoy!

Wishing you ...
enough rain to make you smile,
and some goodies for your lunch box!

Wish you were here!
May your day be blessed simply...and simply blessed!
Mom 'N Poppy

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Festival and Celebration...We enjoyed the Fireworks!

Poppy and I went to our first 'Thunder Over Louisville' last weekend. It is one of the biggest events and fireworks shows in the U.S. and...
we loved it!

Click the button at the left...to see part of the fireworks show.
(so sorry this video was 'missing' for a while...seems somebody 'stole our Thunder')

There are a few bridges that connect Kentucky and Indiana...from downtown Louisville. One of the bridges was used for the fireworks show. It was nothing short of spectacular! This was the big finale...but it was a day-long event that we enjoyed with family.

The afternoon was an unusually bitter cold day. The kids made the best of it, playing in the sand and watching the amazing planes and stunts, waiting for the big fireworks show that was well worth the wait!
Meischa playing in the sand.
Meischa is our son Jace's girlfriend's little girl. She is so cotton-pickin' cute! She always makes us laugh with her wild imagination.
We love being her Grandma and Grandpa too!
London...a peaceful afternoon dude!
Our 'Grand Nephew'...he is grand! Out of the blue...he often says I love you! A pretty neat thing for  a kid to do! (see song below)

And...here is Poppy and Meischa.

yes...all of us 'Girls' had our neon necklaces on!

Thunder Over Louisville marks the beginning of two weeks of festivities and events...and food!
So, of course, Mom made some Kentucky Derby Pie!
Kentucky Derby Pie with Walnuts
Click the link at the sidebar to pop over to our kitchen for the recipe if you'd like...it really is easy and yummy! There are some more fireworks pictures there and detail about 'Thunder' as well.

We wish you fun times with family and celebration together.
We celebrate our blessings...count them one by one.
We are still praying for Dustin, our Nephew...now on oxygen for the remainder of his life.
I will pray, each day....for one more day with you!
A million I love you's Dustin!
A million I love you's...to all of our loved ones, some in special need of prayer. We are thinking of you every day.
We are thankful for all of our days together! We love and hold you dear!

This is a beautiful song...one of my favorites. Follow along with the poem...beautiful!
I hope it will inspire you to cherish today.
May your day be blessed simply....and simply blessed, each and every...one more precious day!
Mom 'N Poppy

Thursday, April 19, 2012

'The Boys'...Amazing Boys!

A note from Mom 'N Poppy...
about Dustin and Darryn...'The Boys'.

Dustin has been in the hospital this week with pneumonia. Darryn was so worried about his brother he wanted to be there with him but he was sent home.They are buddies...through thick and thin.

These two boys are amazing!

We always call them 'The Boys' but I always think of them as...

                          'The Warriors'

Dustin (in the green shirt) and Darryn...
The Warriors!

Last report was that Dustin has made improvement. I am hopeful for a report today that he is going home.

These two characters...always make me smile. They have maintained such a positive attitude throughout their lives, despite being in wheelchairs. They have always looked at life on the bright side and made others happy. They remind me of the lyrics in the song...

Always Look On The Bright Side of Life....

If life seems jolly-rotten
There's something you've forgotten...
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps...
Just purse your lips and whistle...
That's the thing!

Still counting our blessings....
by one, by two...These Two!

and praying for a full recovery,

Mom 'N Poppy
(Aunt Vickie and Uncle Bud)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

There were no chocolate bunnies or eggs in those Kentucky lawn...Easter Baskets

Hunting eggs and enjoying the day!

Meischa had so much fun!
Poppy gives Meischa hints!
Colored Eggs...and Coloring Books!

Easter came and went...and there was not even one egg to be found in any of those baskets on front lawns here in Kentucky! When I first arrived here, last December, I noticed some common 'lawn decor'...
extremely large ceramic 'Easter' baskets! 
I commented to Poppy...'those are odd things...it's not Easter!'
Giant Concrete Easter Basket!
My expectation of Kentucky 'lawn decor' was all things...Kentucky Derby. You know...horses and jockeys.
Where did I put my horse?
While there are a few of those...I am very surprised that the most common lawn fixture...is a huge concrete Easter basket!
I can see some fun things people might do with these curious things year round, but my limited experience of these baskets, so far...says nope, they don't! 
For instance...
Kentucky has some very loyal college ball fans. We  just had the Final Four here...UK won...in case you didn't already know that.  
University of Kentucky...2012 Champions!
So...I kept looking to see if people might place red basketballs (for Louisville Cardinals) or blue basketballs (for UK Wildcats) in these gigantic baskets. Nope! WOW...that would have looked pretty neat. Now...If I had any Photo Shop talent...I would create that visual right now!

So were these 'Easter Baskets' utilized at Easter time? No they were not! No giant Easter eggs or giant chocolate bunnies were found in the baskets. What? No Peeps either? Again...a missed opportunity!

Little Lost Peeps!

Maybe there are some uses for these baskets...not yet seen, such as...

Filling them with ice and drinks at a family barbecue?
Making a compost in them?
Use as the designated, secret place to hide a spare key? Well that's a dead giveaway (a very strange term)!
Make into a trough for feeding livestock?
A place to store firewood?
Use them for a bean bag toss game?
Convert into a concrete bird bath?
Maybe they are used as the entrance into a tornado shelter? Yes...that has to be it! Now I know where I can take cover! Good...I feel so much better! These things must be, after all, quite useful!
I am hopeful that I will one day see all kinds of beautiful flowers thriving and flourishing in these baskets. It is already Spring...have not seen any 'flower baskets' yet!

Yes...flowers would be good!

In summary...
Some have their Gnomes....and some have their misnomer's.  I guess this is one of mine! They may not be Easter baskets after all!

I think this explains the baskets!

When will the strike be over? Oh...maybe it is...didn't they go to work for Travelocity?
You just can't get a good Lawn Gnome around here! So...a huge concrete 'Lawn Basket' will have to do!

Wishing you....lovely lawn decor of your choosing,
and...a life blessed simply...and simply blessed!

Wish you were here!
Mom 'N Poppy

Monday, April 9, 2012

A Bittersweet Easter Afternoon...Reflections of God's Love

I hope that all enjoyed Easter and time with Family.

Yesterday...Poppy and I spent the afternoon with family here in Kentucky. It was a beautiful day. Soon all of the leaves will be back on the trees and you will no longer see houses...just trees! It is just so pretty!
While out on the porch, I sat in the very same spot that I had before...last July during a family reunion. The spot where I was when I received a call from my youngest daughter. The call was about her oldest brother's son, her nephew, my grandson. He was found, not breathing...but  had been revived and was in critical condition in a coma. I left the reunion to go back to Arizona. For eleven days...we prayed and watched as God answered our prayers.  And for six weeks...we watched miracle upon miracle as our boy recovered. Only by the Grace of God, and the power of prayer, was his life spared. I cannot ever forget the power of prayer...and the power of God's love for His children. God has a deep abiding love for us all...no matter where we are in our life, no matter the circumstance...He will carry us through.

I believe that God has a plan for all of us...and He certainly had a plan for my grandson that had not been played out yet.

I was reminded...
God has a plan for all of us...and for all of us there is a time and a purpose under Heaven.
God answers our prayers...and if we look...we will all find our purpose...under His Heaven.

For Poppy and I, the people in our lives are our purpose and our blessings. I can never be worthy of the 'blessings' in my life...but I am counting them...one by one!

Some of our blessings...

Celebrating the blessings and miracle!

Some of Our Arizona Family...some of our blessings!

So many more blessings...we'll be sharing more of those 'blessings' photos with you!

Easter was a reminder to me...of our seasons. Of our time here on earth, our blessings...and of our Father's love for us.

To every thing....there is a time and a purpose under Heaven.
(Ecc 3:1-8)

I hope that you are in a time, a season to...
'Be Born' (find yourself again)
Build Up
and in a time of Peace.

May this season of your life be blessed simply...and simply blessed!
Mom 'N Poppy

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Treats at Mom 'N Poppy's

Hi! We are back here again...
We got our kitchen set up..over at


and we are back to settle in here with our simple life!
We like it here...and looking forward to connecting with friends!

Happy Easter!
I hope your Easter weekend will be blessed with family and goodies. I made some Rice Krispie treat baskets to share with some  youngins'...too cute.

And...we made Grandma Alice's Gumdrop Cake to send out West to loved ones there.
Stop over at our kitchen for that recipe! You really should try it!

             It is sooooooooo yummy and delish!

May your Easter be  blessed simply...and simply  blessed!

Mom 'N Poppy

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

We've Moved...no not from Kentucky already!

Hi!...We have packed our bags...going over to set  up our kitchen at...

Folks were having a hard time finding our kitchen at blogspot...so we've headed on over.

Please join us there! We will sit around the campfire...share some stories and some great food and goodies!

So...Just Get Here, If you Can :)

Click...to hear the song...Get Here If You Can.

We'll be waiting....
Mom 'N Poppy

Looks like Chandra and Carson are on their way!

We'll still be...living life simply!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tornadoes...helping those in need

It has been a few weeks now since the tornadoes tore through some of our neighboring communities here in Kentucky, literally taking entire towns off the map! I have heard the sirens before but this go 'round was much more serious. The tornado was expected to touch down here in Louisville. Fortunately it turned and went around us but what hit us was pretty severe. I thought I would have to go down into the cellar. And...I definitely do not want to ever have to do so unprepared. Preparedness is something  I will be taking a look at.

My cousin Pam suggested that I stock a big container with the essentials that I may have to grab as I head down into the cellar. Good idea! Let's see...Ruby Red Slippers, Flying Monkey Repellent, Map to Oz (no, there will be yellow bricks). And...really...I need to get organized and be ready. I'm sure it isn't the last time I will hear those sirens. Poppy and I are discussing our emergency plan, to include some essentials that the dogs will need if we all end up in the cellar.

As for the tornado victims...
I have wondered how I might help. I am going to make some baby blankets and donate. In my search for where and how I came upon the following...

A Tangled Yarn, located in Nicholas, KY is working hard to crochet & knit squares to put together to make blankets to donate to disaster victims. They need to be size 7 x 9. If you would like to help, or know of a knitting circle to pass this information on to, send your squares to:
A Tangled Yarn
605 N Main St
Nicholasville, KY 40356

I have been crazed with making little crochet squares...dishcloths. Now...I know a simple way (with lots of yarn scraps) to help. If you have some yarn...the talent...maybe just a square or two will help.

Dishcloths...done...now...baby quilt squares!

For the rest of this post...
Last week Prime Minister David Cameron visited the White House. A good time was had by all and Prime Minister Cameron made some jokes about how, 200 years ago, his ancestors tried to torch the White House. Well...all laughed, of course. But did you catch the part about the gifts that were exchanged? Obama received a Table Tennis set. And what did Obama give the British Prime Minister?
He gave the man a.....BBQ Grill! Hello????  Now I don't care who you are...that is funny!

May your day be...simply blessed!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I have recently moved from Arizona to Kentucky...far from my kids and grand kids...parents...and a whole lot of family. My husband moved here for work a couple of years ago...and it was time for me to be here with him. We do have his side of the family here. But...all of this is so new to me. My darling granddaughter suggested that I start a blog. Well I have pondered on that for a few months now. And...here we go.
I am hopeful that this will be a great place to find some friends, share some ideas and projects...and to get acquainted with some folks with like mind. So...no more hesitation. Living, after all, is a journey of uncertainties, not always knowing the how. Often times we just don't know where the journey will take us...but we just begin it and let it take us. Sometimes it is the journey of finding ourselves. I think I just might find out something about myself on this journey. A truly happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery on the detours.  We live a simple life here. I am enjoying the scenery and the simplicity.

Today I share a view of my journey...it is my backyard. Beautiful...isn't it?

Wishing you...
the gifts of simplicity in your own backyard!